Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Western Style toilet or Indian toilet: Which is better

All Indians these days are very much influenced by western culture. They have adopted their lifestyle so religiously that they have lost the values of their own traditions. One of the basic changes that they have adopted is of using western toilets instead of Indian ones. However, this is one huge mistake that the Indians have made.
If you consider comfort then, western style toilet is a good option but, in terms of hygiene Indian toilets are better. Mostly Indians hesitate when talking about their preferred choice of the toilet seat. There has always been a debate on which toilet is better. Some of the scientific reasons suggest that Indian toilets are far better than western toilets.

 Why are Indian toilets better than the Western style toilets?

As mentioned earlier, Indian toilets are comparatively more hygienic. This is surprising to many Indians. Even in public places, most people prefer to use Indian toilets. This is because, in these types of toilets, there is no direct contact of your body. Whereas, in western toilets, there is a constant touch of your body with the toilet seat which can increase the risk of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Also, people that use western toilets prefer paper toilet roll to wipe themselves clean and in Indian toilets water is used to clean.

Using Indian toilets is an exercise in itself. It is a type of squat exercise that gets done. Sitting on an Indian seat not only strengthens your legs but also brings motion to them. Also, sitting in a squat position helps in digesting the food properly. Blood circulation gets much better in the body. Those who use Indian toilets not necessarily need to hit the gym. In western toilets, you just sit on a chair and there is no movement. There is no applied pressure on the lower body which can encourage the movement of bowel.

Constipation is prevented with Indian toilets. The sitting position helps in excreting all the waste from the body completely. There is a good amount of pressure which clears the colon present in our body. As per researches done by doctors, the risk of stomach-related diseased and problems is less in Indian ones than the western ones.

Preference for toilets is all about your preference for comfort. Some people are comfortable in Indian seats and some in the western seat. You can always according to your preference check Indian toilet and western style toilet price and then buy accordingly.